Devlog #8: Finalising the code

The eighth day of the Game Jam is done.

Today was a massive push for writing. I had to go back and replace a lot of my placeholder text but also expand parts I felt lacking, add more branching code to scenes to make it more immersive etc. 

What it's turning into is much larger than I thought I'd be able to do. When you play, it can feel quite short, as you only see about 30% of the game each time you play.

This post will be shorter today as I'm pretty sick of typing - to give you an example of how much writing I did:

  • Over the last 7 days I've written a total of 3,500 words in the story (meaning that it doesn't count code in the word count).
  • By the end of the day, I'm now over 6,000 words.

There are officially less than 24 hours left in the game jam and there is a lot to do:

  1. Finish the last ending and bug test the code
  2. Play each section and each branching story to make sure there are no hidden bugs
  3. Actually play a start to finish game - it'll show me if there are any areas that feel rushed that I'd like to work on.
  4. Stretch goal: Do some drawings for some of the larger scenes.
  5. Stretch goal: Implement Calico, a add-on engine that will allow make the game look cooler.
  6. Write a draft for the page and create all the image assets, screenshots etc.
  7. Submit everything on time!

Wish me luck!

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